Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Corning, CA to Pleasanton, CA

Day 4 was a mostly beautiful sunny drive through agricultural country..lots of vineyards, rice paddies, orchards and nature preserves.  Passed many areas of rice paddies that were completely covered in snow geese.  Quite an awesome site.  Once in Vacaville on I-80, we were immediately back in civilization...heavy traffic, shopping malls, and industrial parks.  Turned south on Hwy 680 and followed a wildlife preserve for a few miles before running into major heavy industrial..I mean like refineries.  It reminded us of something you'd see in Pennsylvania or New Jersey.  We weren't expecting anything quite this gross looking, as we were crossing a huge canal that connects two large bays and then becomes a large estuary and wildlife preserve.  The heavy industry was pretty centralized in Benicia and Martinez and once we got further down Hwy 680, the sights became more light commercial and residential.  The worst of the trip was the road condition down Hwy 680.  The concrete highway was so rough, we thought for sure we'd dislodged every cabinet, nut and bolt in the whole coach.  Our GPS routed us to the Alameda County Fairgrounds RV Park via downtown Pleasanton (not the most direct route, we discovered later), but we did get a chance to see downtown Pleasanton.  It's really a cute, old, quaint downtown that looks like it has lots of good pubs, restaurants and shops.  We might have missed this without the indirect routing.  We're planning to go back downtown and spend some time.  The Alameda County Fairgrounds RV Park is not very fancy, small, and quite crowded.  The attraction here is location, location, location.  We're just a few blocks from the Bart Station if we decide to go to San Francisco.  There are also lots of wineries and sightseeing in this area.  After we got the car washed, we went out to Wente Vineyards and The Course at Wente Vineyards Golf Course.  Wente has an amphitheater that hosts great concerts like those at Ste. Michelle (only a smaller venue of 1500 people).  We had dinner at the golf course and talked about coming back sometime to play golf (need more practice before we do that).  Drove back to our RV site through more vineyards.  Cassey was waiting for us on the dash (think she missed us).

Day 5 was golf.  Played Callippe Preserve Golf Course in Pleasanton.  The sun was out when we teed off, but the clouds and wind moved in as the afternoon progressed:  low 50s.  It's a very challenging course with Happy Valley Creek meandering throughout the fairways.  Most of the course is in a valley and is surrounded by huge oak trees.  It was our first major round of the season, so we were both rusty and exhausted by the end.  Wish we had a hot tub in our RV!  Came home to Cassey sitting in the front window waiting for us.  She's adjusting well to "glamping".  She just doesn't like the driving part yet.


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