Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Day 31, Sunday February 7

Wow, can't believe we've been on the road for over 30 days now.  Doesn't seem that long.  I guess moving around kind of broke up the 30 days into smaller chunks.  Now that we're parked for a few weeks, maybe we'll notice a difference.

For those of us golfers, today was a busy TV day:  Phoenix Open and Superbowl back to back.  We spent the morning at the clubhouse getting caught up on email and (as you noticed), I got the blog out.  This having to come to the clubhouse for WiFi really doesn't fit my routine...I usually get up in the morning, put on my robe, grab a cup of tea and immediately get on the computer.  Now, I have to eat breakfast, get cleaned up and dressed and walk to the clubhouse (I'm such a creature of habit).  I've bumped up our data plan twice since we left, and it still isn't enough for my usage.  We then went to the store to do our usual grocery shopping and pick up something to BBQ.  Lynn and Phyllis came over and we watched a bit of golf and then went over to Tom and Cheryl Rodewald's RV to watch the end of the golf tournament and visit with some more friends from our home golf group, Jack and Joyce Hayashi.  It's just amazing how many of our friends are here this week...and there are some that are here for the winter that we haven't seen yet.  Everyone came over to see our RV and we watched the last of the Superbowl.  BBQd burgers sometime after 7:00.  It was a fun day.

Day 32, Monday February 8

This was Lynn and Phyllis' last day in Arizona, so we planned an activity that we could do enroute to the airport.  Every year, there is an art show held under huge tents in Scottsdale called the Celebration of Fine Art.  Dave and I went last year and just knew Lynn and Phyllis would be blown away with the exhibit, so that was the journey for today.  

The Celebration of Fine Art has been an art event for more than 25 years and is held from mid-January til the end of March.  It has become known for its exceptional art and interactive atmosphere.  There are 100 juried artists from all over the country that exhibit their work and actually are working in their medium at the show.  You can see artists in all mediums, including welders, sculptors, painters, jewelers, weavers, potters, and many more, all working on projects.  You can interact with the artists or simply watch as they create their work right before your eyes.  These are top of their field artists and the work is absolutely amazing!  They also have a good restaurant, so we had lunch before Lynn and Phyllis had to leave for the airport. 

Day 33, Tuesday February 9

Tuesday was a golf day.  We golfed with Tom and Cheryl Rodewald and Jack and Joyce Hayashi at El Mirage golf course here at the RV Resort.  It was a hot 83 (did I tell you that we're finally having Arizona weather here?)!  The golf course was challenging, with lots of sloped greens and water, but the best part was that we golfed for $25.00.  Such a deal.  We all went to Carraba’s Italian Grill for dinner.  It was Jack and Joyce’s last day before heading home to Renton.  Another fun day in the sun.  I think we’re getting into the RVing/Retirement groove finally.

Day 34, Wednesday February 10

Wow!  A day with no plans.  Dave went to the driving range while I went shopping.  Did a Camping World run to pick up a few maintenance items. Stopped at Robson Ranch’s PebbleCreek Golf Course for a late lunch (if we can’t afford to play golf at a course, we usually eat there instead).  Golf courses always have a great restaurant and it’s often reasonably priced.  We were even able to take advantage of Happy Hour.  Hurray for Happy Hour!  A retirees affordable luxury. 

PebbleCreek - Golf

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