Thursday, January 5, 2017

Travelling south

Yes, friends and family…we’re on the move again.

The trip so far has been pretty uneventful, especially because the first part of our route was the same as we did last year.  The first day (12/29) we travelled from Redmond to Columbia Riverfront RV Park in Woodland, WA (a short trip, but Dave had a physical therapy appointment in the morning).

#1 First Class Driver
Cassey says it's too cold

On the Columbia River - Woodland

The next day (12/30) we travelled to 7 Feathers in Canyonville, OR. 

Cold and windy 7 Feathers RV Park

This is the standard overnight stop before the infamous trip over Siskiyou Pass into California.  It was cold and windy.  Weather forecasts predicted snow on the pass for Saturday night and through Sunday, so we were pretty excited to be able to get over Saturday morning with dry pavement and only a couple inches of snow on the shoulder.  The anxiety level for the driver was much less than last year because this was our 2nd trip over the pass and we knew what to expect.  Stopped for lunch at a scenic rest stop with a beautiful view of Mt. Shasta.

Mount Shasta

Day 3, 12/31:  We spent New Year’s Eve in Corning, CA.  We camped in Corning last year at Rolling Hills RV Park and Casino.  Because it has a casino, it was booked solid for New Year’s Eve.  This year we stayed at Heritage RV Park.

Sunny Heritage RV Park

Heritage is a nice little family run RV park.  The spaces were a little tight as there were trees on either side of us, but for one night we only put out a couple slides and it worked out fine.  We visited with a couple of our neighbors from Washington.  Comparing notes, we found we’d all stayed the previous night at 7 Feathers and everyone was heading to Palm Springs or Arizona.  We walked a block to a pizza restaurant for an early dinner and celebrated New Year’s snoring.

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