Sunday, March 13, 2016

Day 64, Thursday March 10

Another day of puttering and completing projects.  90 degrees today and nobody is moving very fast.  Thank heaven for air conditioning.

Went to dinner with Tom and Cheryl Rodewald at Longhorn Steakhouse.  Being a steakhouse, we all felt obligated to have varying cuts of beef.  Everything was delicious and we had really good service.  We practically closed the place, we were having such a good time visiting and telling stories.  Like us, Tom and Cheryl took a European river cruise last year, so we had many notes to compare.  Because we all golf, that was another topic that occupied a good portion of the conversation.  The evening was too short.

Day 65, Friday March 11

We now have our travel plans in place for at least the next couple weeks.  We leave this Sunday, north to Monument Valley and Moab in Utah.  The weather won’t be anywhere close to what we’ve been experiencing, but it doesn’t look like rain (or snow!).  As long as the sun shines, we’ve got warm weather clothes to handle 50-60 degree days.  We had a tough time getting into Moab as they are hosting a Jeep Rally beginning the 22nd.  In order to get an RV space in Moab, we had to shorten our stay in Monument Valley to 3 nights rather than 4.  This still gives us 5 nights in Moab and we’ll be out on the 21st before the rally.  Guess it’s time to haul out the portable heater again.  Cassey shed her winter coat while here in Arizona, so guess she’s going to be cold again.  Hopefully we’ll get some solar through the front windshield so she can warm up while we’re parked.

Day 66, Saturday March 12

Today was supposed to be a day to get everything cleaned up and packed away for our departure on Sunday.  We got an invitation to play golf with Tom and Cheryl Rodewald, and that trumped cleaning.  There really wasn’t a whole lot to clean, so we did some on Friday night and the rest would happen when we got back from golf.  Played Sun City Country Club.  It was a little more interesting than some of the many other Sun City courses…..especially because of the horribly hard-to-play greens.  Many were turtleback and no matter how strategically you thought you hit the ball, the ball never went anywhere near the hole.  Yikes!  All those putts make for a high score on a relatively easy course.

Day 67, Sunday March 13

Moving day!  We’re on our way to Monument Valley just across the Arizona border in Utah.  We thought we saw some beautiful scenery on the drive north, but once we got here it was even more beautiful.  It’s better than the postcards.  We’re staying at Gouldings Lodge and RV Resort.  Here is a picture from our site at about 5:30.  The spaces are fairly tight and we can only open a slide on each side, but we’re only here 3 nights so that’s OK.  The whole valley is on the Navajo Indian Reservation, so most of the area is only accessible with a guide.  Tomorrow we’re going out on a 3.5 hour guided tour with one of the Navajo guides.  We also hope to take a couple of the public trails while we’re here.  One night we’re going down to the lodge to watch a John Wayne movie.  A number of John Wayne movies were shot here in Monument Valley, so I’m sure we’ll recognize the landmarks now that we’ve been here.

I’m so excited.  We have WiFi here!!!!

The long road through the Navajo Nation

Early sightings of  rock formations

Happy to be parked

View from our coach

Parked at Monument Valley

Setting sun

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